Dear all,
We are sending warm regards from pre-holiday London and brining you a Forum post full of great questions and hopefully useful answers.
In addition, click here to access a sample Mystery Challenge to practice with your students.
Also, make sure you read till the very end of the post as there’s a little surprise to help you with your drama preparations.
Finally, I would just like to remind you all that next week will be our last post until 10th January 2020. However, we will continue to be available on an individual basis so if there are any urgent matters, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kamila & the Oxford International team
I have a question in regards to the country spotlight presentation. If two students perform a typical dance from the assigned country would they count as part of the 6 presenters? Or could it be 6 presenters plus the 2 dancers?
Yes, the two dancing students would count as presenters. If they are on stage they are presenting or contributing to the presentation, they count as participants. The only student who does not count is the student operating the computer (offstage).
For the Country Spotlight challenge, are students allowed to do a creative piece, that is, to perform a legend or myth like in a theatre play?
While we encourage students to be creative in this event, it is still a presentation. While I think some elements of a play should be fine, I would suggest you have a good look at the judging criteria for the event before deciding how theatrical you want to make it.
Can students create a mash-up type of presentation, combining many legends from our assigned country, or does it need to be just focused on one?
Unfortunately, they need to choose just one.
What type of technology will be available and allowed for the country spotlight challenge?
Please refer to the written guidelines, page 16, for information on technical support.
For the Investigation Challenge, if students create a Google Presentation or Prezi presentation, will computer, projector and internet be available for them to present?
This is covered on page 16 of the written guidelines.
Even though we can’t use texts in the visual aids, can we show the text of the (fake) news to spot things we need for the presentation?
Please refer to Post 6 as this was covered last week.
In the final part, where we cast our votes, is that going to affect in any way our final score? For example, I was against electronic devices at first; but in the end, the debate changed my mind, and now I’m in favour of the banning them. Would that affect our score in any way?
As per the written guidelines page 24, changing (or not changing) their opinion will not have any impact on the evaluation of the team. However, what will be assessed is their closing statement so their ability to explain in a concise and clear manner why they changed (or not changed) their mind.
Is it possible to have all the team out of the screen one by one during the drama performance?
Please refer to Post 6 as this was covered last week.
Is there a limit of shapes to use in that competition?
No, there isn’t any limit imposed but I would suggest you have a good look at the judging criteria (visual impact) before you make a final decision on that.
We know all the students need to talk so is the singing part considered as a line or lines?
Yes, I would say so as it is a direct contribution to the performance.
Usually, are students allowed to use the internet for research during Mystery and Improvisation Challenges?
Please refer to Post 6 as this was covered last week.
During Mystery challenges, is there a clock in the room? Are students allowed to wear watches to manage the time?
Typically, there is a clock in the rooms we use. We would not allow smart-watches to be worn but standard watches are ok. All teams will also be monitored by an Oxford International / BEO World member of staff who will be able to tell them the time remaining.
During the A Capella competition, the song melody will not be allowed in the background correct?
Yes, that is correct. The students must perform without any musical accompaniment.
Are the teams allowed to have a student as “choir conductor” for the A Cappella Challenge (that is, someone to guide the performance, pointing at others as telling them to sing, for instance)? If so, does this student count as a participant in this activity?
If they are on stage they are presenting or contributing to the presentation, they count as participants.