Many of you have recently asked for the link to our March webinar so we have decided to make it available to all. You can download the webinar via this link:
Please note that the link will be only for one week and after that you will no longer be able to access the webinar.
And a few more question that we have omitted and / or collected over the weekend.
Questions: Regarding laundry facilities, you said in a post that students and coaches will have access to the laundry facilities. In years past only the coaches were allowed to do laundry. Are the students allowed to go into the laundry rooms and actually do laundry also?
Answer: I cannot comment on this in detail as the arrangements differ from a place to place but sometimes also from year to year depending on the management of the host school. All I can say you will have access to laundry facilities, whether that means the service will be provided or whether that means students may be given instructions and access to do so by themselves.
Question: I understand that is not your department, but we have situations we need to check regarding our arrival and our departure date and time.
Answers: All travel arrangements need to be discussed with your agency – BEOWorld, I do not have access to any of this information.
Question: We would like to know our debate role (it was said that we’d receive it 4-6 weeks before travelling).
Answer: As soon as all the teams have been placed into competition groups (which is a complex process linked to departures and arrivals of all teams), the debate role will be sent out. However, it is in the interest of your team to be preparing for all roles as that makes then stronger in their arguments and better prepared for the final when the role is assigned on the morning of the event.
Question: Even for the debate, do the students use the, “We will now begin and Thank you for your attention,” comments? It seems that the judges might begin and end that competition, but maybe not.
Answer: The students are expected to use these phrases for the opening presentation as they serve markers for timing and their presentation of their view point is timed. They will not be required these phrases during the debate cycles.
Question: Are the students allow to put some background as a canva and the same students hold them? or the only thing that’s allow is the music?
Answer: They are allowed to use background but only it is can be SAFELY handheld.
Question: Can they use chairs and desk from the auditorium?
Answer: Yes, you will be able to ask the team on site to use some standard school equipment as props (e.g., chairs & tables) but please note that if you require any specific props, it is the responsibility of the team to arrange for those.