Specialized Academic Programmes

Unlock your full potential with our specialized academic programmes for juniors. We equip you with the employability and academic skills needed to excel in higher education and beyond.

Employability for the 21st century

Designed to prepare students for the world of work. It is an EFL-based course but not a Business English course.
Divided into two sections: employability and business.

  • Employability section: focuses on acquiring skills to enter the workplace. Writing CVs and cover letters, going through an interview process, and understanding job descriptions. It covers the path from looking for a job to securing a position.
  • Business section: for the most entrepreneurial students, this section focuses on the first steps to take when setting up your own business. Market research, understanding profit, leadership.

Both sections finish with a project. Students are presented with a situation, and they have to put all their knowledge to the test. The Employability projects are based on real job adverts and job descriptions. The business projects present the students with a brief description of a possible business that students have to develop.

Key Facts


14 years old


B1+ level


Minimum of 12 students enrolled in a class


30-hour course; 15 hours/week

Academic Skills for Higher Education

Designed to enhance students’ academic skills. This is an EFL-based course where students will work on their writing and speaking skills.
Divided into two sections: writing and speaking.

  • Writing: students will improve their use of cohesive devices; they’ll work on specific types of texts, they’ll learn about plagiarism and the use of Al in their work.
  • Speaking: similar to the previous section, students will work on their public speaking skills, the different technological options available to them, and the steps that go into presenting (from research to delivery).

Both sections include the production of a piece of work, be it in writing or spoken form.

Key Facts


No age limit


B1+ level


Minimum of 12 students enrolled in a class


30-hour course; 15 hours/week